Tuesday, 10 August 2010

To the old trout..

who tutted yesterday every time The Tinker chirped up in the cinema during Toy Story 3, can I suggest you need to be less ignorant more tolerant?

Fact is, dear, if my boy were in a wheelchair and drooling then you'd feel some degree of sympathy, but because he walks and talks you assume he is not disabled and we are just stupid lazy parents who should discipline their kid better.

Shit, I wish I were a crap parent. I could do something about that.

Autism is a neurological condition. That means Tinker's brain is wired differently to yours. He hears, sees and feels in a different way to you. The world is a baffling and confusing place for him. On top of a receptive and expressive language delay this means he struggles with stuff ordinary kids take for granted. He is thus considered disabled, actually, by The Man. Official like.

All I can do is help make his life easier. Keep trying 'difficult' things, like the cinema, is part of that.

He wasn't that chatty anyway.

Can I suggest then, if you do require utter silence during a film then maybe you do not see a kids' film during the day.

As you were.

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